The third day of SPARDHA '10 was again full of enthusiasm. Moreover, the pitch of the cricket field saw many new amazing matches througout the day. The day started with the match of IT BHU against DR. KN MODI. But ITians gave a violent stroke to the MODI guys.The toss was won by IT BHUand they elected to bowl first. The MODI players aggregated a score of 36 runs only that too with with full hard work. Then came the IT lions who smashed away the bowls thrown by MODI bowlers and achieved the target in only 2.3 overs.Rahul Sengar was the man of the match.This match was followed by the match between YMCA and BSAITM in which BSAITM won the match by 37 runs.
The 11th match of the tournament was between BSACET and IERT and it was won by BSACET by 2 wickets. The last match of the day was between SSCET and RKGIT.
This match was also very exciting but finally it slipped from the hands of RKGIT and it was by SSCET by a small difference of 8 runs only.
Lets hope for more exciting matche in the coming days of this ALL INDIA SPORTS FESTIVAL of IT BHU SPARDHA '10